Join Us In Congratulating Our Two New Incoming Board Members

The National Railroad Construction and Maintenance Association (NRC) announced today that two new railway industry professionals have won election to its Board of Directors. Chase Armstrong, R.J. Corman vice president of commercial development, and Bob Hirte, Hamilton Construction’s director of railroad development, will begin service as board members starting January 1, 2022.

The newly elected board members will serve three-year terms on the NRC board. They will join six other existing board members who have been re-elected to new terms:

  • Joe Daloisio, Track Division Manager, Railroad Construction Company
  • Allen Branham, President, B4 Solutions, LLC.
  • Erika Bruhnke, Vice President-Training and Media Resources, RailPros
  • Russ Gehl, Executive Vice President-Business Development, CWR Transportation (a sister company to Holland L.P.)
  • Kevin Hicks, National Freight Market Sector Leader, TranSystems
  • Brett Urquhart, Senior Vice President, Vossloh North America

“The NRC is fortunate to have a diverse board that represents a broad cross-section of the railway construction and supply community,” notes NRC President Ashley Wieland. “Although many of our member companies compete against each other, board members come together to benefit the entire NRC membership. Their service is invaluable in our mission to make railway construction safer and stronger.”

The NRC is a U.S. trade association that advances the mutual interests of railway contractors and suppliers who construct, maintain and supply freight railroads and rail-transit and passenger lines. Founded in 1978, the NRC connects members with other railway industry professionals and government officials and policymakers. The NRC collaborates with its members, government, and industry leaders to create a positive business climate and to make railway construction and maintenance safer and more efficient.

What our members say…

Receiving the NRC scholarship has been an invaluable vote of confidence, propelling me forward in my academic journey with renewed determination. Thanks to the scholarship's support, I've been able to dedicate more time to my studies and specialized university programs, unlocking opportunities I once thought beyond reach. The scholarship has truly broadened my horizons! I am deeply grateful for the NRC's generosity and proud to be counted among its recipients.

Grace Bastyr


University of Alabama

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