The National Railroad Construction and Maintenance Association (NRC) is paying close attention to the COVID-19 outbreak spanning the globe. Our primary objective is to prioritize safety in all that we do and urge all NRC members and their families to take appropriate actions to protect their employees, their families and the public community.
The NRC joins with other U.S. associations, companies, and agencies in supporting the Center for Disease Control’s (CDC) safety recommendations, found here. For more information on how employers should respond to the outbreak, please click here.
Even during these concerning times, the NRC is aware that our members have a continuing and crucial responsibility to help construct our nation’s railroads and rail-transit lines. We also know the importance of a seamless rail network to the public health of this nation. We are in habitual contact with the FRA on this matter and will relay any pertinent information that we receive.
Thank you for your ongoing work to keep our economy moving and our people safe. We urge you to practice safety in all you do and to take all recommended protective measures so together we can help flatten the curve.
As Chair of the new NRC Policy and Legislative Committee, I see opportunities for us to make a greater impact on the future. Our committee is exploring new ways to participate while further examining issues that affect our member companies. We realize not everyone can attend events, such as Railroad Day, so will be offering other opportunities for employees of our member companies to get involved.
Vice President, Business Development
Ames Construction Co.