Holland, L.P. Hosts U.S. Sen. Duckworth Staff Member on Manufacturing Facility Tour

NRC and REMSA member company Holland, L.P. hosted Peter Danos, Suburban Outreach and Grants Coordinator for U.S. Senator Tammy Duckworth (D-IL), on August 18, 2022, for a tour of its University Park facility, which manufactures a variety of significant railroad track components for the railway industry.

Sen. Duckworth currently serves on the Committee on Commerce, Science & Transportation, the Committee on Environment & Public Works, where she is the Chair of the Subcommittee on Fisheries, Water and Wildlife, as well as on the Armed Services Committee. Senator Tammy Duckworth is an Iraq War Veteran, Purple Heart recipient and former Assistant Secretary of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs who was among the first handful of Army women to fly combat missions during Operation Iraqi Freedom.  

Holland representatives – Jordan Wolf, President, Russell Gehl, EVP Business Development, and Rob Rosencrans, General Manager, Rail Services-North America – led and participated in an employee meeting with Danos and a tour through the manufacturing facility.

“It was terrific hosting Peter at our facility today and getting the chance to hear what the Senator and her staff are hearing on Capitol Hill. The decisions that come from Capitol Hill have the chance to impact Holland both positively and negatively, so getting to hear from our Senator’s staff on issues that matter to our industry was a great experience” said Wolf.

Danos and those participating on the tour talked about the products and services Holland provides and touched on the economic benefit they provide Illinois, as well as the over 36 different countries they have provided services in across the globe. “It’s wonderful to be here today touring the Holland facility and learning about what they do to support Illinois and the industry…I’m very much looking forward to sharing what I’ve learned today with the Senator” said Danos.

Founded in 1935, Holland, L.P. has served the railroad and related industries spanning the globe. From rail welding to track measurement devices, to load securement products and rail trains, Holland provides customer-based solutions to their railroad industry partners. In Illinois alone, Holland employs approximately 200 full-time employees, in addition to many more across North America. Holland equipment engineered and manufactured in Illinois produces over 250,000 flash-butt welds on an annual basis. Holland is a member of the NRC (National Railroad Construction and Maintenance Association (NRC) and REMSA, two U.S. trade associations that advocate on behalf of railroad contractors and suppliers. Additionally, Russ Gehl of Holland, L.P. serves on NRC’s board of directors and Rob Rosencrans of Holland, L.P. serves on REMSA’s board of directors.

In addition to Wolf, Gehl, and Rosencrans other Holland employees included: Mike O’Grady, Chief Operating Officer, Samantha Kozak, Product Marketing Specialist, and Mike McGonagle, NRC Vice President of Operations and REMSA Grassroots Event Manager, also participated in the event.

About the NRC - The NRC is a U.S. trade association that advances the mutual interests of railway contractors and suppliers who construct, maintain and supply freight railroads and rail-transit and passenger lines. Founded in 1978, the NRC connects members with other railway industry professionals and government officials and policy makers. The NRC collaborates with its members, government, and industry leaders to create a positive business climate and to make railway construction and maintenance safer and more efficient.

About REMSA - REMSA’s mission is to provide global business development opportunities, to transfer knowledge about markets, products and the industry to members and their customers, and to support the initiatives advancing the North American railroad industry. REMSA was created in 1965 by the merger of the Association of Track and Structure Suppliers and the National Railway Appliances Association, two long-standing organizations in the railroad maintenance-of-way industry.  The association represents companies and individuals who manufacture or sell maintenance-of-way equipment, products, and services, or are engineers, contractors and consultants working in construction and/or maintenance of railroad transportation facilities. REMSA members constitute a large part of the maintenance-of-way industry.

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NRC has been key in helping develop valuable relationships with a vast group of industry professionals that help us all improve and grow.

Jim Huenefeldt

Executive Vice President Sales

A&K Railroad Materials, Inc.

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